
Attendance Information


As set by the Board of Education, the school day is from 8:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M. Students who have completed all their obligations for the day will be excused at 2:56 P.M. Students who have not meet all their obligations (examples include- staying at the request of a teacher, detention, etc.) will remain until 4:00. Failure to meet all of the daily obligations (leaving at 2:56) constitutes an infraction of the Code of Conduct. Students may stay after school ONLY if supervised by a teacher/staff member, or coach.
The High School will open at 7:30 A.M. for students.
All mobile communication devices are to be turned OFF and stored in the student’s locker from 8:00-2:56 PM unless a Mobile Communication Use Privilege application has been filled out and approved.


Any excuses for students leaving during the day MUST be initialed by either the Principal or his/her designee BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS. Student will obtain a pass stating the leaving time and the students’ names will then appear on the daily absentee list as being excused.


The following reasons for student absences from/tardiness to school are recognized as valid LEGAL/EXCUSED by the Board of Education: illness, sickness or death in the family, religious observance, sickness requiring attendance at a medical clinic, doctor appointments, quarantine, required court appearances, approved school-sponsored trips, approved college visits, and approved cooperative work programs.

Students who have a LEGAL/EXCUSED absence from school or class(es) will be allowed to make up missed work according to the individual teacher’s make up policies.

Regular attendance in school is critical to your success. Excessive, unexcused absences from class may result in the loss of course credit. The Student Attendance Regulations included in our district policy states the following: Course credit is awarded based on regular attendance and achievement. To fulfill the course requirements and thereby be awarded credit, a student must attend a minimum number of class sessions, equivalent to 85% attendance. (Policy 5100 R) 


  1. First period teachers will take attendance for the day.

  2. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. If you are not on the absentee list and you are not in class, you will be reported to the main office.

    1. Arriving to class 20 minutes or more from the start of the class without a valid pass is considered a “cut.”

    2. Tardiness and cutting class are violations of the Code of Conduct and may result in administrative action.

    3. Arriving late to school: Anyone arriving late must sign in at the main office and obtain a pass before reporting to class.

    4. All students leaving or entering the building must sign in or sign out in the main office with a legal excuse from the appropriate source. (Example- Note from dentist, doctor, parent, etc.)

    5. Students will only be permitted to leave school early with permission from a parent.

    6. Students who are absent are required to present an excuse upon their return to school. The excuse must contain not only the date/time of the absence but must state the reason for the absence.