2023-24 Elementary School Goals

Vision: Together We Achieve Excellence Beyond Expectations

Mission: We Promote Pride, Inspire Growth, and Foster Innovation 


  • S-VE will increase awareness, interest and involvement by encouraging collaborative efforts to develop school spirit and community pride.

  • S-VE will cultivate creative, problem solving and future ready citizens through rich experiences and positive relationships.

  • S-VE will invest in and support social-emotional well-being, academic growth and community through meaningful connections.

2023-24 Elementary School Goals:

1) 75% of students in grades K-4 will meet or exceed expected annual growth from fall to spring on the 2023-2024 NWEA Reading and Math MAPS assessments.

2) All students will participate in the NYS Computer Science and Digital Fluency Standards in Computer Lab, with a focus on Cybersecurity Standard 1 and Digital Literacy Standard 1. Standards focusing on keeping information private and protected and keyboarding skills.

3) S-VE Elementary student attendance will be at or above 94% during the 2023-2024 school year.

4) 100% of classrooms will use the Mood Meter as a tool for Social Emotional Learning.

5) Once a month 100% of classrooms will use a SEL signature practice with training and supports, with two months’ activities being focused on physical activity.

6) The elementary school will invite the community to at least 5 events during the school year.