
Spencer-Van Etten High School provides a college/career counseling management system called Scoir (pronounced "score"). This online system will streamline the process of requesting, processing, sending and tracking the electronic delivery of all application-related documents. More importantly, it can be extremely helpful for students and parents during the college and career search and selection process. On Scoir, colleges come to life through pictures, videos and links that highlight active student clubs and organizations. This better enables students to identify colleges that are a good fit with their personal and academic interests, which increases college retention. Scoir also provides interest and character assessments to help students explore potential career opportunities. Scoir exists to help more students achieve more positive outcomes, and we're excited that our students have access to this system and the opportunities it provides.

Scoir is rolled out to students in 9th grade during classroom counseling sessions. Students can access their accounts at with their email address as username.