The Board of Education of the Spencer-Van Etten Central School District, Spencer, NY hereby requests sealed bids for:
2009 Chevrolet 2500 ¾ Ton Suburban.
Engine: 6.0L gas w/352 HP, Automatic Transmission, 8 passenger Capacity. Mileage: 169240 as of Oct 31, 2022. 1 Spare tire and rim.
Sealed bids are to be submitted to the District Office, 16 Dartts Crossroad, Spencer, NY 14883. Sealed bid envelopes are to be marked “Bus #141” in the lower left corner.
Bids will be accepted no later than 3 P.M. on Nov 23, 2022.
The general public, as well as staff members who are not Board members, officers, or involved in the purchasing function, shall be eligible to bid on the vehicle.
The 2009 Chevrolet 2500 ¾ Ton Suburban can be viewed between 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. at the Van Etten School Transportation parking lot, entrance on Main Street on Nov 21, 22 and 23.
Spencer-Van Etten Central School
16 Dartts Crossroad
Spencer, NY 14883